Keeping Families Close
“We believe that when you change a child’s life, you change a family’s, which can change a community, and ultimately the world.”
We rely on our strong relationships with the medical community to provide access to healthcare. We rely on strategic alliances with organizations that have the knowledge and infrastructure to extend our reach. We rely on you – our donors, volunteers, staff and friends.
Vision and Core Values
- Focusing on the critical needs of children.
- Celebrating the diversity of the programs we offer and the staff, volunteers and donors who make them possible.
- Staying true to our heritage of responsible stewardship.
- Operating with accountability and transparency.
The Missoula House
There are so many ways you can help! From preparing a meal for our families to helping with house work, or volunteering at a fundraising event, we rely on the time and talent of our volunteers to reach our goals! No matter how you choose to help, you are always welcome!




RMHC and the Medical Community
The Ronald McDonald House strives to provide a warm, comfortable place to stay for out-of-town families with children receiving medical care in our community. The patients must be served in a Missoula area hospital or medical facility and be under the age of 21.
In order to stay at the Missoula Ronald McDonald House, a family must live 40 or more miles away from Missoula and have a child who is receiving medical care in an area hospital. Families must be recommended by the social work department or medical staff at the hospital or institution at which their child is receiving care in order to stay at the Ronald House.
Community Children’s at Community Medical Center is a critical partner of RMHC of Western Montana, and we are extremely proud to support their efforts to provide excellent healthcare to children in Missoula and beyond. Our partnership, which has continued for more than a decade, grows stronger each year.
No other pediatric healthcare system in the region has the depth and breadth of services that Community Children’s at Community Medical Center has to offer — including specialties and certifications you may not find in many hospitals in major cities. Certainly nowhere else in Montana.
From fetal transfusions for the youngest and tiniest of patients to a neonatal intensive care unit that cares for babies born as early as 23 weeks to the region’s best pediatric therapy specialists, Community Children’s in Missoula, Montana is at the forefront of pediatric medicine. And, our multidisciplinary approach to pediatric care continues until well after a child leaves the hospital.
Yet, as committed we are to being at the leading edge of treatments and technology, we never lose sight of the personal touch and compassion that have become the hallmark of Community Medical Center care. Nothing is more precious than a young life — and nothing more important than the trust parents and families put in us.
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle Children’s is consistently ranked as one of the nation’s top children’s hospitals by US News and World Report and ranked the top children’s hospital in the Northwest.
Community Medical Center has maintained this close collaboration for more than 10 years, tapping into Seattle’s cutting-edge clinical protocols to serve patients right here in Missoula. Our hospitalist and intensive care doctors in Missoula also collaborate with cardiac surgeons and pulmonologists in Seattle to coordinate care for Montana children who must leave the state for complex surgeries or other care procedures – the goal always to get them home sooner.
Thanks to our affiliation with Seattle Children’s, Montana kids have access to the widest possible array of specialists, both here and in Seattle.