Family Stories


Clara’s Story

Clara’s Story

7-month-old Clara shoots her mother a bright-eyed grin as globs of oatmeal migrate in slow motion down her chin. Clara has started to chat with herself in the dark pre-dawn hours, sometimes emitting a sweet, singsong sigh. Laura says this noise is her kryptonite. She...

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Ambagis Family

Ambagis Family

Calvin Ambagis was advanced for his age. At just seven months old he could use a fork, and by eight months he was already walking. By the time he reached a year-and-a-half, his motor skills were “amazing,” his mother Crystal said. "I learned what unconditional love...

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Salusso Family

Salusso Family

On January 4 of 2016, at 29 weeks into her pregnancy, Beth Salusso started hemorrhaging at work. She knew that there were complications with her pregnancy, but she hadn’t expected to be rushed to the hospital by a coworker that day. “I was so worried I was going to...

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Janecke Family

Janecke Family

Jessie Janecke was 12 weeks into her third pregnancy when she started hemorrhaging. Doctors weren’t sure whether she or her unborn daughter Giana would survive. It all started the day before her birthday in January 2016. She traveled from Butte to Missoula for her...

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Marsh Family

Marsh Family

Brooks Marsh spent the first 97 days of his life in the NICU. At just 1 pound 10 ounces at birth, he needed a lot of extra attention. His mother, Tiffany Marsh, said initially she thought she was going to lose him. "It was so awesome and the people there were...

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